I am working under Dr Julia Langkau’s supervision on the SNSF PRIMA project “Creativity, Imagination and Tradition” at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. My research interests revolve around the philosophy of mind, the aesthetics and epistemology. In particular, I am interested in narratives, understood as a structure of our thoughts or productions. I argue that narrative texts or discourse have the same structure than narratives that remain in our heads – those we refer to when speaking of ‘worldviews’, ‘opinions’ or ‘points of view’. When the content of our imagination has a narrative structure, it seems to make sense and to provide a sense of understanding. I am also interested in the effect fictional works have on our narrative representations, and what negative effects these narrative representations can have on our experiences of the outer world.

Other topics I am eager to explore in the course of my PhD revolve around creativity and AI, for instance: What does the creative process consist in? What role does narration play in creative processes? Can a work created by an AI be considered creative, and why (not) – notably with respects to (self-)narration?


Website of the Research Group on Creativity in Geneva


List of Publications
